The Crew

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Meet the Crew


Junkyard Jay is a very experienced welder who’s been in the business for decades. Not only does he know his way around the undersides of vehicles, but he’s also done his fair share of artistic work and metal-related jobs all around the community. Jay’s always cooking up a new project in the shop in his off-time, so be sure to ask what he’s making!


Jay may be the talent, but Scrapyard Sue is the boss! While she spent many years in the corporate world, commuting all the way to Atlanta just isn’t for everyone and now you’ll find her much happier hanging around the shop and keeping track of the behind-the-desk shop scene.


Arguably the most favored part of the crew, Maggie is the shop dog and you’ll usually find her either curled up on the ground waiting to be fed some people food, or devouring some people food. She loves biscuits, but she’s on a diet to keep her girlish figure.